Chemical Peel

Chemical Peel in Cosmetic Kraft involves the application of a chemical exfoliant to wound the epidermis and dermis for removal of superficial lesions and improve the texture of skin.

Various acidic and basic chemical agents are used to produce the varying effects of light to medium and deep chemical peels. The level of penetration and inflammation determines the level of peeling. The chemical peel cost in Delhi also varies depending upon its type and concentration of ingredients used.

  • Superficial peel-
  • This can further be of two types-
    Light superficial chemical peel Involves stimulation of epidermal growth through the removal of stratum corneum.
    Full superficial chemical peel Involves destruction of epidermis with regenerative changes.

  • Medium peel-
  • Involves inflammation of epidermis and papillary dermis.

  • Deep peel–
  • Involves inflammation of deep dermis and induction of new collagen production.

    Various type of peels are available and according to their concentration used, their depth can vary.

    Cosmetic Krafts

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