Medical Management

Medical Management

There are many cause of hair loss and baldness, we have to identify the actual cause of hair loss and treat them accordingly

Men can experience baldness or hair loss for different reasons.

While there are many causes for hair loss, the most likely cause is genetics. Finding out whether or not hair loss is caused by genetics or another reason can help determine the best course of treatment.

Male pattern baldness is a hereditary condition and is the most common cause of male baldness. It can start as early as puberty or develop much later in life. It often occurs gradually and in predictable patterns, affecting the temples and the front of the middle of the scalp.

Most often, the man will be left with a horseshoe pattern of hair. Heredity affects how fast, at what age, and to what extent a man will experience baldness.

Men with male pattern baldness inherit hair that is sensitive to DHT, the hormone that can shorten the lifespan of the individual hair follicles.

Some of the other most common causes of hair loss for men include:

Scalp Infections. Infections such as ringworm can invade the hair and skin of the scalp. When this happens, it can lead to scaly patches and hair loss.

Hormonal changes. Hormonal changes and imbalances can cause temporary hair loss. For men, the thyroid gland is the most likely cause of hair loss due to hormonal changes.

Patchy hair loss. Also known as alopecia areata, patchy hair loss occurs when the body's immune system attacks hair follicles. The attack causes sudden and rapid hair loss that leaves smooth, often round, bald patches on the skin.

Skin disorders. Diseases such as psoriasis and lupus may result in permanent hair loss in the scarred areas.

Hair-pulling disorder. Hair-pulling disorder causes people to have an irresistible urge to pull out their hair. The person will pull from the scalp, the eyebrows, or other areas of the body.

Medication. Certain medications may cause a side effect of hair loss.

Some less common causes of hair loss include:

Radiation treatment. If a man receives any sort of radiation treatment near the scalp, the hair may fall out and grow back in a different way than before.

Hairstyles or treatments. Wearing hair in ways that pull it excessively or treating it with oils and color can cause permanent hair loss.

Natural triggers. Stress or extreme trauma may result in loss of hair. Often, the thinning will reduce when the triggering event is over.

Here in cosmetickraft We identify the exact cause of the hair loss and execute the medical treatment as per etiology.

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