Mon - Sat

11.00 AM - 08.00 PM


+91 9179155966

Excimer Laser Vitiligo

Treatment of Stretch Mark in Raipur Chhattisgarh

Excimer Laser Vitiligo

what is Excimer laser ?
Excimer laser is a laser produced when molecules of an inert gas excited by an electron beam and a mixture of halogen gases combine to form molecules to jump into their ground state. Excimer laser is a cold laser without thermal effect. It is a pulse laser with strong directivity, high wavelength purity and large output power. The wavelength range of photon energy is 157-353 nm, and the life span is dozens of nanoseconds.The most common wavelengths are 157 nm, 193 nm, 248 nm, 308 nm, 351-353 nm.

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A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table - Samsa was a travelling salesman - and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out .

  • Mon - Sat : 10:00am - 05:00pm
  • Sunday: Close

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